Sisters Coffee Company – Revisited October 26, 2014

Today’s foursome lucked out big time evading any deluges on this sometimes wet morning, on their way to/from the Pearl to revisit an outlet they enjoyed two+ years back. Sisters Coffee began 25 years ago as a mom/pop operation in (duh) Sisters, and four years ago opened their well-appointed Pearl store.

The shop’s physical assets include big windows and great light, a second story for those seeking a bit of privacy, a fireplace and comfy couch, a map of the Oregon Territory, and an impressive exposed ventilation shaft.

Varied discussion topics included what modest plans each of us had for election night; the one-candidate City Club “debate” for US Senate; D telling of Jacqueline Jones’ premise in A Dreadful Deceit that racial ideologies are used to uphold existing power relationships and perpetuate injustice; H telling of a Rick Perlstein article comparing/contrasting the recent events in Ferguson, Missouri with the multiple riots that occurred 45 years ago; and E explaining the alternative scouting group his daughter and he are involved with – the Baden-Powell Service Association. 1235 NW Marshall

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